Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Just a few snaps of our more agreeable neighbors.


As an archaeologist, anthropologist, and historian, I am sensitive to the past that surrounds us. At Sumter Oaks RV Park human occupation may well be measured in millennia. What people lived here and took advantage of the food from the swamp and surrounding grasslands? 

What evidence do you have for early occupation? That is a appropriate question. Pictographs on trees will lead me to further investigate, especially if I can get a ridiculously large grant. The first example, thought to be a cat. suggests a connection to early Egypt where some experts have suggested a religion based on cat worship.

The next, called the monkey, provides a temporal reading if the actual time frame that monkeys inhabited this area can be established. Obviously it can be no later than their migration to Federal and State capitols. This particular example does present a conflict with the theory of Cat worship. As the sunlight appeared on this example on November 28 at 9 AM, it suggests it may be a celestial calendar and November 28th may well be a day of religious observation.

"We must pay homage to our ghosts." (Oliver)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

THE BIRDS, the Sequel

So, a Little Blue Heron (I think, there are some differences from those in our bird books) appeared at the water retention pond yesterday. I thought it was the one I had seen in the swamp behind the park.

Then, to confuse me, another Little Blue showed up. Apparently, there is not room for two in this pond and first come-first served applies in Heronville. Number two had to fly to a tall tree and watch.

So after the Heron version of a gunfight, the movie ended like all good Roy Rogers flicks with a song and dance number by the Sandhill Cranes.

Happy Trails to You!

Friday, November 24, 2017


It rained most of Thanksgiving and the water retention pond directly across Cypress Way (the park lane where we are camped) collected enough water to form a small pond. It was enough for a local herd of Ibis to gather and eat whatever Ibis eat. Our Sandhill Cranes seem to have a coexistence treaty with the Ibis but it does mean they like them, they keep a respectful distance. It is now Black Friday and the Ibis are still here.

I believe this is the bunch that live in the swamp behind the park. Most evenings they will be active. That area of the swamp is supposed to have gators so I have not ventured there. There is a low fence that separates the far area with the park area. It is supposed to keep the gators away. I will post something if the fence proves inadequate.


All grown up

Saturday, November 18, 2017


It may not be exciting to you but for a fan of sailing ships Live Oak is of importance. It may well have been the best of all material for the structural part of a ship. The USS Constitution's original frame was Live Oak from St. Simon's Island in Georgia. What made Old Ironsides "ironsides" is the ship's frame not the outer planking. The crookedness of the tree provides "natural knees" that are far stronger than fitting two or more pieces of wood to accommodate the curves of a ship's hull.

In addition to the functional aspects of the wood, a stand of Live Oak, especially when decorated with Spanish Moss, is one of the great natural settings. 

These photos are not the best illustrations of the trees or natural knees but being just outside the trailer it was convenient while enjoying a G&T in 75 degree temperatures in November.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


It  is another winter blog or as winter as it gets in Florida. We are at Sumter Oaks RV Park. It is located south of Bushnell, Florida. With Live Oak trees decorated with Spanish Moss, a cattle pasture on one side, a donkey/burro pasture on another, and a picturesque swamp in back, it is wonderful at least at first. 

We have no idea how active we will be so postings may not be as numerous as my previous diaries. Also, I may not stay away from the "cultural" activity going on right now and that includes politics. If you become offended let me know.

Below are some snaps of the welcoming committee.

So ends another Journey

Back again in wet and chilly Ohio. It was a nice winter in the south. We renewed some past  friendships and established some new ones. Anyw...