Friday, November 24, 2017


It rained most of Thanksgiving and the water retention pond directly across Cypress Way (the park lane where we are camped) collected enough water to form a small pond. It was enough for a local herd of Ibis to gather and eat whatever Ibis eat. Our Sandhill Cranes seem to have a coexistence treaty with the Ibis but it does mean they like them, they keep a respectful distance. It is now Black Friday and the Ibis are still here.

I believe this is the bunch that live in the swamp behind the park. Most evenings they will be active. That area of the swamp is supposed to have gators so I have not ventured there. There is a low fence that separates the far area with the park area. It is supposed to keep the gators away. I will post something if the fence proves inadequate.


All grown up

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