Tuesday, November 28, 2017


As an archaeologist, anthropologist, and historian, I am sensitive to the past that surrounds us. At Sumter Oaks RV Park human occupation may well be measured in millennia. What people lived here and took advantage of the food from the swamp and surrounding grasslands? 

What evidence do you have for early occupation? That is a appropriate question. Pictographs on trees will lead me to further investigate, especially if I can get a ridiculously large grant. The first example, thought to be a cat. suggests a connection to early Egypt where some experts have suggested a religion based on cat worship.

The next, called the monkey, provides a temporal reading if the actual time frame that monkeys inhabited this area can be established. Obviously it can be no later than their migration to Federal and State capitols. This particular example does present a conflict with the theory of Cat worship. As the sunlight appeared on this example on November 28 at 9 AM, it suggests it may be a celestial calendar and November 28th may well be a day of religious observation.

"We must pay homage to our ghosts." (Oliver)

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