Sunday, February 4, 2018

Horsing Around

Down the road from us is the Sumter Equestrian Center. This weekend they hosted The Florida Ranch Horse Club. Unlike the hoity-toitie jumpers and dressage types, these cowpersons and horses compete in events associated with ranch work. We spent a couple of hours watch "ranch trail."

First, rope the sawbuck calf. Then ride around the palmetto cones

On to a ride across some debris and approach the bridge (a wood platform).

Next, unhook the gate, ride through and re-hook the gate.

Horse does not like rope gate.

But you have to prove who is the boss, it is a cowboy law.

Put the nag into reverse and prove you can park it.

Finally, into the trailer.

For extra points the Florida test. Horse and rider fall into a sink-hole and have to ride out.

Most of the riders were skilled and it was fun to watch. Even more exciting was the cowperson fashion. Everyone could have gone straight to a country and western music concert.

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