Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Yeah, it has been a while but I have excuses

I never said I had good excuses. Anyway we had to endure the Florida winter. Well, it did get below freezing a couple of nights. Then friends, OLD friends, followed in more temperate temperatures. Here are the old Grovers (people from Fox River Grove, Illinois) or maybe we are Grovites, or Grovians.

For those lucky enough not to know them, the back row left to right, Bruce Blazej (yes, that is spelled correctly), John Lackey, Ed Johnson, and myself. In the front row is Mocha the Wonder Dog. Bruce and I and the wives (ours) have been getting together for the past few years. John and Ed I have not seen for 50 years. Bruce was two years ahead of us in school but we all went through Fox River Grove Elementary and Cary-Grove High together. As you can imagine there was a lot of talk and food, but that should be obvious.

The next day Ed and Rosie came back and Ed and I managed to list all 13 taverns in Fox River Grove. Some things cannot be avoided. With some problem we managed to get together the following Saturday for a lunch. Here is the proof.

The ladies from left to right, Rosie Johnson, Vivian Lackey, Denise, Terri Blazej. I am happy to report no casualties were sustained during this operation.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Personal Note

In an effort to dispel rumors that we have been abducted by the forces of evil and to quell the demand for pictures of us, HERE! Photo by an anonymous person at an undisclosed location. Many thanks that is not the one where they put reindeer antlers on me.

So ends another Journey

Back again in wet and chilly Ohio. It was a nice winter in the south. We renewed some past  friendships and established some new ones. Anyw...